Don’t post activities or content that are or is rude, lude, sexual, explicit, pornographic or unlawful. Do not use the site to organise, administer or further criminal behaviour or activities.

Don’t pretend to be someone you aren’t.

Keep it respectful. Everyone is going through something. 

Don’t post activities that contain or transport malware, viruses or similar software capable of harming the website, it’s users or creators. 

Don’t assume someone’s consent to anything just because they join your activities. 

Tips for Safe Meetings

Here are some tips on how to stay safe when meeting someone new. Please don’t take them the wrong way. We in no way promote victim shaming. We want users to be as safe as they can, always.

  • Organise your arrival and departure  independently & don’t get into cars with strangers. If possible arrange your drop off and pickup by a friend.
  • Meet in a public place.
  • Inform friend of your meeting details and ask them to call you during the meeting to check in on you, multiple times.
  • Let the other person know, someone else knows you are with them, and that you are expected somewhere later.
  • Consider purchasing and wearing an SOS bracelet. Equipped with a simple button, you can press in distress which sends your coordinates to the nearest police station. 
  • Inform friends of changes of plans or locations.
  • Don’t share vulnerable information
  • Don’t share information you wouldn’t want publicised  
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