How to: Get the App-sperience

We’re working on our App.
Until it’s done, here’s the next best thing aimed at bringing you the same app-sperience:
Iphone shortcuts!
Just download them and they’ll appear as icons on your homescreen.

I. The Shortcuts Shortcuts on Homescreen

1. Resize your Images

Resize your Images for qliq before uploading profile pictures or activity images:

2. Browse Meets

Quickly check for activities to join:

3. Add New Activity

Quick-link to add a new activity on

4. Find Like Minds Nearby

Quick-link to view all public user profiles:

Hope you enjoy !

II. Installation Instructions

  1. On your Iphone, tap on the download-links in this article. The zipped shortcut will beginn downloading.
  2. Open your downloads. Tap the zipped shortcut. It will unpack.
  3. Tap the unpacked shortcut. You’ll be asked whether you want to add this shortcut to your shortcut gallery. Tap ‘Add Shortcut’. The shortcut details will open.
  4. From there, scroll to the bottom menu, tap export & click “Add to homescreen”.

III. Check out our Knowledge Base

Just qliq – why you should use just qliq to revolutionize the way to meet people in 2023
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