Why qliq?

Why carry a cart when you can push it? Check out our About section here: https://qliq.live/about/

How do I edit my profile Info?

Check out this short & sweet explanatory article on our blog here: https://qliq.live/how-to-change-your-preferences-profile-info/

How is my data handled ?

Check out our privacy agreement here: https://qliq.live/privacy-policy/

Why isn’t the messaging function more extensive?

We value your privacy. And while our mission is bringing people together for interest-based activities, we have little interest in supplying, maintaining or monitoring personal chats between individuals. There’s plenty of great chat software available. The best way to check if you qliq, is still to meet in person though. As they say, chatting & chilling are like apples to oranges.

How can I delete my account?

In order to delete your account and all it’s info you can shoot us an email expressing your account deletion request and we’ll handle it for you. Alternatively, you can delete your account manually in a few easy steps. Just log in, click your username in the main menu. Then, click ‘Settings’ in the left hand side-bar and scroll all the way to the bottom. On the right hand side you’ll find the ‘Delete Account’ button.

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