Categories Tags
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Important Update: Transition from Categories to Tags

We’re excited to announce a major enhancement to our website’s organization system! In our ongoing effort to improve user experience and streamline content access, we are replacing the current categories with a more versatile tagging system. This change will make it easier for you to find and explore activities that interest you. Here’s what you need to know about the transition and how to tag activities effectively:

From Categories to Tags: What’s Changing?

Previously, our website used categories to classify different activities. However, we understand that activities can often belong to multiple topics and themes. To provide you with a more dynamic and flexible browsing experience, we are introducing tags. Tags allow us to better capture the diverse nature of activities and make searching for content more accurate.

Tagging Activities: In 5 Steps

Tagging activities is a straightforward process that requires just a few steps:

1. Identify Relevant Tags

When tagging an activity, consider the primary aspects that define it.
At the very least, choose two separate tags:
one for the city where the activity takes place
and another for the type of activity itself.

2. Use Descriptive Tags

Aim for tags that clearly describe the essence of the activity.
For instance, if you’re tagging a hiking event in New York City,
suitable tags could be “New York City” and “Hiking.”

3. Apply Tags During Submission

When submitting an activity, you’ll find a dedicated section to add tags.
This is where you’ll input the tags you’ve chosen.
If the activity encompasses more than two aspects,
feel free to add additional relevant tags.

4. Tagging Etiquette

To ensure consistency and efficient searching
, use existing tags whenever possible.
However, if you believe a new tag is needed,
use it judiciously to prevent clutter and confusion.

5. Tag Management

You can manage and edit tags associated with your activities at any time.
This allows you to refine your content and make it more discoverable.

Tag – You’re It!

By embracing this new tagging system, you’ll be contributing to a richer and more refined experience for all users.
The transition from categories to tags reflects our commitment to keeping our platform user-friendly and adaptive to your needs.

If you have any questions or need assistance with the tagging process, don’t hesitate to reach out to our support team. We appreciate your understanding and look forward to providing you with an enhanced exploration journey on our website.

Thank you for being a part of our vibrant community!

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